> (Inner Exception #0) System.ApplicationException: An error occured while converting the video!Īt .Execute()<. > System.ApplicationException: An error occured while converting the video!Īt .ConvertVideo(Action 1 log, Action1 setStatus, Action 1 setProgress, Action1 setIsIndeterminate, String sourceFile, String outputFile, CropInfo cropInfo)Īt .c_Displa圜lass57_0.b_2() System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. Parallel video chunk download is running.
Playlist url for selected quality (Source) is
Retrieving m3u8 playlist urls for all VOD qualities. Output File: E:\Twitch\20180311_237704174_Command & Conquer_ Red Alert 3.mp4įFMPEG Path: C:\Program Files\Twitch Leecher\ffmpeg_圆4.exe (This was my second trial, I wasn't watching the first run, just found the error after it, so I tried again to see exactly what happens.)ĭownload task has been started! TWITCH LEECHER INFO (In this case if I may, I would suggest leaving the temporary folder in place at least until the program is open, so I could've at least salvaged the *.ts file and convert it myself!) And after successfully downloading and merging it the conversion phase failed after reaching around 99.1%.